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Ask Lynne Viola Questions about The Unknown Gulag

Monday, June 9th, 2008

book cover of Unknown GulagIn the inaugural Episode in Gulag History, Lynne Viola related the brutal and harrowing tales of the so-called “kulaks”–peasants grabbed up by the Soviet state in the early 1930s and exiled to horrific conditions in the geographic extremes of the Soviet Union.

Did the conversation leave unanswered questions? Join us in the comments section to this post, where Lynne Viola will answer your questions about her research and her book. She will respond to your questions from June 10-June 20.

UPDATE: Lynne Viola has kindly agreed to postpone her visit here until the fall. Check back for a schedule of her visit to answer your questions along with future Episodes in Gulag History.

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Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives presents an in-depth look at life in the Gulag through three exhibits featuring original documentaries and prisoner voices; an archive filled with documents and images; and teaching and bibliographic resources that encourage further study. Visitors also are encouraged to reflect and share their thoughts about the Gulag system.