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Karlag camp document, 1933: Excerpt from newspaper, "Putevka", no. 13 (41). This issue published an article, "To Improve the Quality of Wall newspaper's work," which condemns the quality of some Karlag wall newspapers.

Karlag camp document, 1933: Excerpt from newspaper, "Putevka," no. 43 (71). This is the front page of the Karlag newspaper "Putevka" which was published on November 7, 1933 , the day of commemoration of the October Revolution.

Karlag camp document, 1933: Excerpt from newspaper, "Putevka," no. 30 (58).This is the front page of the Karlag newspaper "Putevka."

Karlag camp documents, 1933: Excerpt from newspaper, "Putevka," no. 25 (53). One of the headlines of the newspapers says: "Camp inmates of Karlag! Learn from the heroe workers of the White Sea Canal construction project how to fight and win."