Gulag Memorial: Astana, Kazakhstan
One of the largest state-sponsored monuments to the Gulag, this monument sits atop a hill in Astana, the capital of independent Kazakhstan. It incorporates the names of all the major Gulag camps in Kazakhstan, images of barbed wire and the black raven (symbolic of the prisoner truck bearing its name). Many of the non-Russian republics of the former Soviet Union have more readily dealt with the legacy of the Gulag, as they have built it into a narrative of what they (the Russians) did to us (the non-Russian peoples of whatever state). Of course, this simplifies a very complex history in many cases, but at least allows for the beginning of a conversation.
Steven A. Barnes
Steven A. Barnes
Bibliographic Citation
Steven A. Barnes, "Gulag Memorial: Astana, Kazakhstan." Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives, Item #794 (accessed May 27 2021, 1:07 pm)