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Karlag camp document, 1934: This document stresses the problem of drunken prisoners in camps that lead to the growth of criminal crimes. One of the orders is to engage camp inmates in cultural and educational activities.

Karlag camp document, 1932: The propaganda document stresses the leading role of VChk -OGPU in dealing with class enemies.

Karlag camp document, 1931: The document discusses the problem of inmate escapes. It stresses that the Chiefs of Guards were not successful in preventing the considerable growth of escapes.

Karlag camp document, 1937: The document provides statistical information regarding liquidation of illiteracy among camp inmates and orders to organize classes for illiterate and semiliterate camp inmates.

Karlag camp document, 1935: This document stresses the importance of cultural and educational activities which played a decisive role in reeducation of camp inmates. Thus, camp chiefs were given an order to increase the ranks of cultural and educational workers.

Karlag camp document, 1933: This document describes the cases of physical abuse against camp inmates made by guards. Linin orders an acceleration of the interrogation process in camps to find the perpetrators.

Karlag camp document, 1931: This document discusses the importance and necessity of political education among camp inmates. It encourages achieving complete class decomposition among camp inmates.

Karlag camp document: 1936: The document requires Usachev, Chief of the Department , to prevent guards from abusing camp inmates,including cases of physical and moral abuse, and neglecting to support and protect Stakhanovites and shock workers. Thus, one of the orders is to examine the ranks of leading and administrative officials in order to exclude those who violated the camp's policy toward camp inmates. Another provides each camp inmate with information regarding his or her rights.

Karlag camp document, 1930: The document discusses the importance of recruiting new staff, as well as rights and privileges of Chekist's volunteers who would agree to pursue leading positions in camps. The duration of employment was considered to be three years, after which guards could change their location. Interestingly, due to difficult conditions in camps volunteers had the right to spend two months on vacation.

Karlag camp document, 1931: The document generally discusses the goals of corrective labor camps, term of imprisonment, the procedure of transportation of prisoners from one camp to another; the distribution of rights and responsibilities between different agencies of OGPU; responsibilities and rights of camp inmates; and types of camp punishment.